The Science of Stress
It’s 8:00am. I have sixteen minutes to get my secondgrader to the bus stop and then head to work. During that time, I discovered her tasting something off the kitchen counter that initially appeared to be Comet. Then, I spilled half a mug of green tea onto my silk blouse and heard the dog coughing up the remains of what we later discovered were jade beads from a once-treasured bracelet.
This is a scene that happens in millions of homes on any given day. Yet, our bodies often react to these daily stressors as though we are in a combat situation. Most of us have experienced the rapid breathing, fast heartbeat, and queasy stomach that often occur during a stressful situation. If these reactions are few and far between, the physical effects pass quickly and are often mild. However, if stress reactions are happening frequently and are more pronounced, there isn’t a single part of the body that will not escape long-term effects.
When the body is under emotional stress, it cannot heal properly. It is unable to address any other physical problem because the body’s energy is preoccupied with balancing the hormones and chemicals that are released during stressful periods.
During the week, I see patients with conditions ranging from back pain to cancer to insomnia. The treatment plans may differ significantly, but the majority of them report stress as a major factor in their lives.
From a Chinese Medicine perspective, I always treat any health problem from the root cause. Rather than just addressing symptoms, I need to determine the reason for the symptoms and treat that issue as well. Occasionally, the root cause of physical symptoms is stress. Other times, stress is a roadblock that is making other physical symptoms unresponsive to treatment.
Acupuncture, herbal therapy, and other Chinese Medicine modalities are incredibly effective at helping the body decrease stress reactions and maintain a healthy emotional balance. In recognizing the role that stress plays on our overall health, I typically combine stress-relieving acupuncture points into every treatment given for a physical complaint. I often teach techniques patients can use to reduce stress reactions and minimize the severity that daily stress can have on the body.
Our bodies know how to heal. We have numerous natural self-repair mechanisms, a meticulous ‘checks and balances’ system that ensures various hormones stay at appropriate levels, and countless systems that are equipped to keep our vessels and organs operating as they should. We have natural chemicals that address pain,
fatigue, and depression.
By maintaining proper emotional balance, we let these systems do their job so that we can do our job, which may include cleaning up half-eaten jade beads and throwing a clean sweater on as you fly out the door. Above all, keep calm. Your body’s counting on you.

New Jersey Natural Family Health offers unique natural healthcare strategies that will address both recent health issues and chronic disease. Dr. Shannon DiCarlo RN LAc DAOM utilizes her nursing background with her extensive experience in Chinese Medicine to develop an individualized treatment plan for each patient. Through acupuncture, Chinese Medicine therapies, and an on-site herbal dispensary, Dr.DiCarlo can restore true health to the body, mind, and spirit. Please call (973) 650-8053 or visit in-person at 366 Passaic Ave, Nutley or online at njnaturalfamilyhealth@gmail.com.