Food Can Provide Natural Healing to The Body
In today's day and age, it seems that people rely heavily on pharmaceutical medications to treat and heal their ailments. As a society, thousands of dollars are spent pumping chemicals into our bodies, all the while hoping the pills will cure whatever it is that we are suffering from. But, does it work?
There is a better way!
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes in healing the body in a natural, chemical-free way. This type of traditional medicine uses food to improve countless ailments that effect the human body. Yes, food! Most of us shy away from food being used as a medicine because we are programmed to think that we only gain weight when we eat. Traditional Chinese Medicine, however, believes that food is rich in healing substances.
Just as the Chinese believe that acupuncture can heal diseases by opening channels in the body, it is also believed that food can re-boot the body by moving Qi (energy through the channels).
As humans, we have an incredibly complex system of cells, organs, tissues, muscles and blood vessels that work together with our interconnected body systems to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis occurs when our body is stable and constant; our temperature, PH levels, glucose levels, carbon dioxide levels, etc.. One simple disruption of the body system can cause all sorts of symptoms and ailments.
We are tasked with keeping our bodies as healthy as possible, including keeping our bodily systems regulated and stable. So, where does food come into play?
Surprisingly, food can help regulate your body's homeostasis. For example, certain foods can be used to bring balance to your body through the form of regulating temperature. Think about sitting on the beach during a sweltering hot day. You want nothing more than something to cool off your body temperature, so you grab a watermelon that has been sitting in your bag for an hour or two. The outer shell of the watermelon feels like your skin, hot to the touch. However, when you bite into it, the chilliness of the fruit instantly cools off your body, simultaneously dropping your body temperature back to a normal state.
You have just used food as a natural way to heal your body!
Diving deeper into herbal medicine
As Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that temperature of food can balance the body, it is also believed that the taste of food can do the same. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are approximately five organs that are said to regulate the human body with the help of Qi. These five organs are:
- Lungs
- Heart
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Spleen
Each of the five organs listed above correspond with a taste. The tastes are:
- Pungent
- Bitter
- Sour
- Salty
- Sweet
These different tastes do unique things within their assigned organs of the body.
A Pungent taste influences the lungs, induces sweating and moves Qi through the proper channels. One could eat a pungent, or strong/spicy, tasting treat when wanting to cure a common illness or cold. Have a runny nose? Try eating a spicy pepper to clear out your sinuses.
A bitter taste, which influences the heart, is believed to aid in curing digestive issues such as creating regular bowel movements. Next time you have a pesky cough, trying to eat a handful of cranberries. Although they have a bitter taste, cranberries and other related foods can rid of similar cold conditions.
A sour taste, although not the most popular type, is important to influencing the liver system. TCM states that sour tasting foods can help with people who excessively sweat. Next time you're worried about having a damp shirt for an interview, grab a lemon and chow down!
A salty taste correlates with the kidney system. Salts can help to disintegrate masses throughout the body and can even help relieve constipation.
Last, but not least, is our favorite of the bunch: sweets! TCM works with the spleen to aid in relief from cramping, digestive issues and harmonizing the entire body to work in unison with all the bodily systems.
As humans, we tend to overindulge in one taste or the another (mostly sweets) so we must remember that moderation is the key to a healthy, homeostatic body! Too much of one thing can be detrimental to keeping our body in a stable state of being. We must eat all foods in equal amounts so that our body can reap the benefits of each natural medication.
How can NJ Natural Family Health help with my diet therapy?
Our office can beautifully intertwine your acupuncture treatments with herbal medication. Our specialists provide an integrative solution to treat the ailments that effect your body and we are dedicated to getting you on the road to natural healing and life enjoyment!
To make an appointment, please call our office at 973-650-8053, fill out the form under "Contact Us", or email us at njnaturalfamilyhealth@gmail.com. We look forward to be a part of your health journey!

New Jersey Natural Family Health offers unique natural healthcare strategies that will address both recent health issues and chronic disease. Dr. Shannon DiCarlo RN LAc DAOM utilizes her nursing background with her extensive experience in Chinese Medicine to develop an individualized treatment plan for each patient. Through acupuncture, Chinese Medicine therapies, and an on-site herbal dispensary, Dr.DiCarlo can restore true health to the body, mind, and spirit. Please call (973) 650-8053 or visit in-person at 366 Passaic Ave, Nutley or online at njnaturalfamilyhealth@gmail.com.