Category Archives for Acupuncture

Treating Sexual Issues with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Sexuality, when viewed from a holistic standpoint, is treated as a complex intersection of biological, psychological, spiritual, cultural and other factors. Rather than dividing or separating all of the important aspects of sexuality, practitioners of Chinese Medicine seek to strike a balance between the elements by using treatments that improve sexual health. Acupuncture is one […]

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East & West Join Forces to Take Down Stress at NJ Natural Family Health

Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have a unique approach to stress that is often not found in other forms of medicine. To fully treat the underlying causes of a flawed stress response, it is best to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, then explore how stress has affected quality of life from both a physical and emotional […]

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Cancer and Chinese Medicine: How Does It Work?

There are few sentences that have the power to terrifyus as much as hearing, “You have cancer.” Despiteincredible leaps in modern medicine, there is still muchthat is unknown when the diagnosis is first given. Peoplerespond to medical treatment in a variety of ways, and itis important to remember that each individual case canpresent quite differently.One […]

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